We will have the opportunity to exercise our civic duty to vote on October 26th for the candidate that will best represent us at City Hall. They all have pretty brochures, but we are each faced with the question: who should I vote for?
To help you gather information to inform that decision, R:ED is hosting a forum of all three candidates: Moe Eltassi, Joe Pereira, and Vivian Santos. The forum will allow each candidate 10 minutes to make a presentation, focussing on what they will do to make improvements in the Exchange District. Following the presentations, residents will be able to ask questions.
The forum will be on Tuesday September 27th at 7:00 pm sharp. It is open to all residents living in the Exchange District.
A big thank you to Saddlery on Market, for hosting this event at no cost! Not only that, but if go there for dinner before the forum, show your forum ticket to save 10% off your food.
To register for this free event, click here: bit.ly/election-red
