The message below is from the City inviting us to a special meeting for Residents of the Exchange District to discuss the CentrePlan 2050. I have not seen the City's CentrePlan 2050, so it may be wonderful, but I am always concerned when the Exchange District is lumped in with 'downtown.' We are distinct, and need to be treated as such. I hope many of you will join me at this meeting to learn about the plans and ensure that the unique nature of the Exchange is properly protected. -- John
The City of Winnipeg is making a long-term plan to get more people living and visiting Downtown. CentrePlan 2050 will guide investment in Downtown parks, streets, and buildings. The plan will help transform what Downtown looks like, how we get around, and how we experience Downtown.
The Exchange District is as an important residential community within Downtown and we want your input to help create CentrePlan 2050.
You are invited to a R:ED workshop on Wednesday, May 31 at 7 p.m. to provide your input on topics that are important to you as a resident of the Exchange District.

Event Details - For Residents of the Exchange:
Date: Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Time: 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Location: 2nd floor conference rooms, 510 Main Street, Susan A. Thompson Building
Format: Presentation followed by workshop
To register:
Please RSVP to confirm your spot by Monday, May 29. As this event is being held outside of business hours, registration is required in order to attend this event.
Enter through the main south facing doors of the Susan A. Thompson Building. Security will ask you to sign in and staff will be there to direct you up the elevator and to the conference rooms.
Other Ways to Participate
If you are unable to attend this workshop, you can also provide your input online by June 15 or join us at the open house on Thursday, May 25.
CentrePlan 2050 Open house
Date: Thursday, May 25, 2023
Time: 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Location: Manitoba Hydro Place, 360 Portage Avenue
Format: Drop-in (come and go)
If you have questions or require alternative formats to participate, please contact the project team at or 204-986-4243. For more information, visit